Virtual Reality Haptics

Created a wearable haptic device for virtual reality. Demonstrated device by creating a virtual drum kit.
Created a wearable haptic device for virtual reality. Demonstrated device by creating a virtual drum kit.
Wrote all software for differential drive kinematics with odometry via dead reckoning. Then, implemented an Extended Kalman Filter for SLAM.
Designed and manufactured an inexpensive, open source sound effects pedal. Users can easily create and upload their own sound effects.
Created handheld 3D scanner with COTS components. Scanner is capable of camera localization, continuous point cloud fusion, and 3D reconstruction.
Led a team of engineers creating robotic hardware and software for research in advancement of the NASA proposed FARSIDE mission
Worked on a team to build a multi-robot system capable of 3D scanning. Created a point cloud processing pipeline that fuses point clouds then crops the background.
Implemented Lagrangian dynamics in a Python physics simulator of a 6 DOF system. Code inputs initial conditions and external forces and produces an animation.
Worked as a software systems engineer on a team of 6 engineers to develop a flight management computer for UAVs. UAV autonomously detects and responds to immediate weather conditions to ensure drone safety.
Created an autonomous pick and place simulation using Python and CoppeliaSim. Code generates reference trajectory and uses PI controller to follow trajectory.